Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Theo van Gogh murdered

A goat-fuckin' terrorist has brutally slain Theo van Gogh, who championed free speech. I know, this sounds brutal too. But Theo liked to call muslims 'goat-fuckers', and a political leader today already wanted to call it a terrorist act... So who am I to stay behind?

This is the end of tolerance as we knew it in the Netherlands. And boy, am I happy I live in the Bijlmer, where there's a minimum amount of goat-fuckers around... And the ones that DO live here, get checked by streetwise blacks who are in fact quite easy to live with. Am I making sense, or is this just the rambling rage of a disappointed Amsterdam citizen?

I am not making sense, of course. But I'll let it stand. As a reminder of the anger I felt on this day. And the fear I now have for muslims. It wasn't like that, but they are starting to look like the maffia to me nowadays. So to make myself clear, I'm appalled by religious fundamentalism. Not 'racial' differences...

Something else: tonight I'll try to make some pics at the gig of Enon and Persil in Ekko.


Anonymous said...

Screw you . Please you better watch your dirty language before you name any relegion.I have a question for you. Do you who was your father?

Anonymous said...

i will come on your blog to see your dirty thoughts about your birth . so you better write in clear mind next time.If muslim are goat fucker , so what are you. Its ok to have you problem with killer . but islam dont say kill people. you gott need some work , or home work beside fukin Ok

Ro Halfhide said...

Oh, well. This country is in transition because of the political Islam. The term 'Goat fucker' is a metaphore for people who take the words of someone like Ayatollah Khomeiny by heart. He told the world it was ok to fuck a goat if no women were around. But you should fuck the goat in the vagina, otherwise you can't eat the meat anymore. And you can't eat the meat yourself anymore once you've fucked a goat in the cunt, but you can sell it to a neighbouring village.
Am I making sense? Of course not, but these are the words of the visionary Khomeiny, who was brave enough to give every muslim a license to kill a writer.

Of course, I'm not saying that more muslims are fucking goats than christians. For all I know it could be the opposite. I take a piss on people who take these words of the Ayatollah seriously. Theo van Gogh introduced the description 'goat fuckers' for them.

Ro Halfhide said...

By the way, the Enon pics have been online for a while. I've bundled them in a set. Here they are...