Sander vd Berg also made pics. They're not available on his website yet, but I'll keep track of it.
The Live in the Livingroom evening was very inspiring. 25 people in an ordinary living room. The host only removed a few tables, and Kees of LitLR brought in some extra chairs. For most of the people, this was their first time. The audience was as nervous as the artists, can you believe that?
LitLR is looking for agents in the eight different cities, because it's becoming too much work for two people. Naturally, I'm interested. As it turns out, there's already someone available. Maybe we could do it together. I told Kees of my connections with Norwich. I could get Norwich bands to play for LitLR, and maybe organize something like that for Dutch bands in Norwich... who knows? Hopefully Fiel Garvie can play for LitLR some day. I think they will enjoy the amount of attention. Something they didn't really get last weekend, I'm afraid...
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